A podcast where a married couple watched Gilmore Girls and Dragon Ball Z one episode at a time
Series is complete, all episodes can be accessed here.
Grant and Paige give their (gushing) review of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and how it gives them pretty much everything they wanted from a Dragon Ball movie.
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In our finale, we look back on all of Dragon Ball and Gilmore Girls and try to make sense of what happened in the last three years. We also open up the mailbag to read listener emails as a loophole way give ourselves complements (and answer a few questions).
Thank you to all of our fans for listening, and bonus brownie points to people who read show notes. Y'all are nerds.
The Domestic Abuse Hotline website (at least in the US): thehotline.org The Domestic Abuse Hotline's phone number (if your web history is being monitored): (800) 799-7233
Warmer in the Winter (a Powered by the Apocolypse game for Gilmore Girls): https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/298423/Warmer-In-The-Winter--Playtest
The original ruleset for Lasers and Feelings: http://www.onesevendesign.com/laserfeelings/
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Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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A Year in the Life is FINALLY over and we're all caught up with the most recent Dragon Ball movies, so it's time to take a few minutes to reflect.
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Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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We finally got to the last content episode of Gilmore Ball Z, and look, at this point, Rory is out, Cheelai is in. This is a Cheelai the thirsty alien stan account now. If Rory Gilmore had half the drive Cheelai had, she'd have taken over not just this podcast and our hearts, but the world.
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Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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Resurrection F is too silly and not silly enough, and Grant watches the worst episode of A Year in the Life yet. Yeah, it's the one with the musical.
Gilmore Soul (thanks to DouglAsshat for making a theme song for our final season): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHRaD4a86DA
Support Gilmore Ball Z by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/gilmore-ball-z
Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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We go on a lengthy tangent about Luke's economic situation to avoid talking about A Year in the Life, Battle of God's fulfills Vegeta's long promised potential (in the form of a bingo dance), and we meet the mysterious Mr. Kim (and it's a huge letdown).
Gilmore Soul (thanks to DouglAsshat for making a theme song for our final season): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHRaD4a86DA
Support Gilmore Ball Z by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/gilmore-ball-z
Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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For the first episode of our final season, we watched a Dragon Ball OVA that wasn't released outside of Japan (Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return) and a Gilmore Girls revival that we wish had never been released (A Year in the Life: Winter).
Paige wants to know more about Vegeta's brother who showed up out of nowhere and Grant wants to know more about Lorelei's daughter who somehow disappeared from her own plot.
Gilmore Soul (thanks to DouglAsshat for making a theme song for our final season): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHRaD4a86DA
Support Gilmore Ball Z by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/gilmore-ball-z
Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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We watched Dirty Dancing and Grant's still not convinced anything good happened in the 80s. Kelly Bishop's barely in it, Patrick Swayze is ancient, the movie isn't sure what it's saying and Baby wasn't even in a corner!
The Gohan and Rory Fund: https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co/the-gohan-and-rory-fund
Support Gilmore Ball Z by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/gilmore-ball-z
Find out more at https://gilmore-ball-z.pinecast.co
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